STEM Sorority was created in October 2020 by Jenny Li, Judy Li and Kaitlyn Jung and is now led by Lily Kong-Waller, Julia Ling, Alanna Rudolph, and Nicole Wong. After noticing that girls found male-dominated STEM clubs at our school unapproachable, Jenny, Judy, and Kaitlyn decided to create STEM Sorority, a club that would offer girls a comfortable and supportive environment to explore their passion for STEM. Our goal is to encourage more girls to pursue a career in STEM and break down gender barriers in the field by offering them various engaging and educational resources. We also want to build an inter-school community where high school and elementary school girls can discover and delve into their interests in STEM while interacting with a diverse group of other girls.
Our Three Pillars
In these isolating times, STEM Sorority hopes to create a welcoming community where girls are encouraged to pursue their interests in STEM. We hope to foster friendships between students who share passions and inspire them to explore new fields through our activities. We also want to build inter-school connections through setting up various branches of STEM Sorority in high schools around Vancouver. This way, girls will not only be a part of their school community, but have a chance to interact with a more diverse group of students.
STEM Sorority provides girls of various ages with resources, such as webinars with successful women in STEM, which introduce girls to various different career paths within the field. We conduct fun labs, dissections and building challenges in high schools so students can participate in hands-on science activities. We also create and distribute an Escape Room activity to elementary students across Vancouver. This activity consists of engaging puzzles that integrate and build upon their existing science knowledge.
Along with our career workshops, we offer opportunities for high school girls to receive personal mentorship from accomplished women in STEM. These mentors guide participants towards post-secondary programs that will help them advance in their desired career path. High school students also gain a better sense of post-secondary life, research and internships through the experiences of their mentors.